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Odiham Motor Cycle Club



Odiham Motorcycle Club

Odiham Motor Cycle Club

The Odiham motorcycle club (OMCC) is run by bikers for bikers, civilian and military alike. We operate out of RAF Odiham and meet every month at the RAF Families Club to discuss future events, social happenings and generally chew the cud over our favourite 2-wheeled pastime!

Airfield Riding Days

We organise our own Airfield Riding Days (ARDs) that take place at RAF Odiham, our own track days where we take over a UK circuit for a day or two, European and UK road trips, off-road days, social and charity events – the list is endless.

Track Days

We use the OMCC Forum to communicate our various outings and to share knowledge on the bike world including photos of everything related to the club.

Please go to the Forum section to find out more.

Become a member

You can subscribe to an annual club membership with OMCC by purchasing the current membership plan. This will create a new user account and the details will be emailed to you.



Got a new toy?

Want to know who or what a Dingle is?

Come and find out on the club’s own forum and swap tips, hints and gossip.

Terms and Conditions

All the legal stuff concerning data privacy, event sign-up and cancellations and more.

Please read before signing up for club membership or any OMCC event.

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